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Elliot Hartgraves

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Elliot’s backstory continued-

Elliot grew up in a small village, located in the middle of a dense forest. The village rarely had visitors from the outside world, nor did anyone really leave. Adventurers were the only ones who dared to go against the grain, training before heading off, some never being seen again. Elliot had always dreamed of becoming an adventurer. 

He grew up as a typical child, nothing out of the ordinary. He went to school, had a few friends and got good grades. Though, his life did take a turn for the worse once he lost his voice. At first, he just assumed it was a cold and stayed home for a few days, but it got worse. It was as if his voice was draining from his throat, more and more each day. Once it was gone, he realized it wasn’t a cold as he had no other symptoms. He went back to school, but without a proper way to communicate, he lost most of his friends. His grades managed to stay high, but he was noticeably depressed. 

Shortly after his voice was stolen from him, he began to get interested in the medical field. At the time, most medical issues were solved with potions, or spells. He took an interest in the medical ones over anything else though. Sure, he could make a potion that would allow him to fly or become invisible, but a potion that could cure the black plague would be much more useful to everyone. He started running to the local alchemist, Don Kisher, after school everyday, taking little private lessons as he cleaned and tidied up for the older man. Before long, he was alone in the woods, trying out his first potion. 

He boiled some water over a small fire he had made, adding in certain ingredients and making sure the temperature was perfect. “One degree off could spoil it!” He remembered the older man saying. Though, once he poured the liquid into a bottle, he knew he had done it right. It glowed and sparkled, unlike anything he had seen before. He rushed it back to the alchemist, who celebrated with him all throughout the night. 

It wouldn’t be for a few months before Elliot would find something to help him further his future. While walking through the marketplace, he heard a loud cawing, coming from the edge of the town, near the forest. He walked over cautiously, inspecting the area. On the ground, under some leaves and brush, was a little baby raven. It couldn’t have been more than a few days old, still fluffy with downy feathers. Elliot scooped the creature up and brought it back to the shop, hoping his teacher could help nurse it back to health. 

“Oi, that raggy thing? I can’t give it anything to make it grow. You have to do that, kiddo. Fix its wing up and take care of it. A bird like that could be very useful.” The old man advised, giving him a light shrug. And so, that’s what Elliot did. The older man let him keep the bird in a nest outside of the shop, so Elliot’s parents wouldn’t get upset with him. Everyday after that, he’d come home from school and practice as usual, but now he had to take on the responsibility of protecting something- no, someone close to him. It gave him more of a reason to continue perfecting his skills. If he got sick, he had the older man to rely on, but if his raven got sick… it was on him. 

Before long, the raven was given a name, Frederick. With a few potions and some rest, the bird was back to perfect health. The bundle of feathers grew larger each day, Elliot marking his size and changes in a little notebook. He even kept a few of Frederick’s feathers in his pocket sort of as a memento. 

Once Elliot graduated from high school, he was also close to surpassing the older man in skill. Don was growing old by then, likewise with Elliot’s parents. Elliot tried to slow the process with de-aging potions, but they only prolonged the inevitable. Before long, Don had passed away, leaving his shop/cottage to Elliot. Elliot eagerly took up his new role with Frederick, having taught the bird how to read his signs and speak for him. 

Though, after only a few weeks of running the shop by himself, an outbreak would take place in the village. Elliot only caught word of it once his parents became ill. He brought potions for them, curing them quickly. They explained how they thought it was an outbreak, giving Elliot an idea. 

Donning a black cape and a long beaked mask, Elliot began his new career, a wandering plague doctor. His two dreams had finally come together, he could help the sick and venture outside of the village’s limits. 

Name: Elliot Hartgraves || Age: 18 || Gender: Male || Race: Caucasian (English) || Birth date: August 19th || Height: 5’10” || Weight: 156 lbs

Appearance: Medium length brunette hair, pushed to the right side of his face. Green eyes and a few small ear piercings. A light skin complexion with no blemishes.

Personality: Intelligent, cowardly, deceptive, sly and hardworking.

Likes: Shiny things, sewing, trying new recipes (for food and potions.)

Dislikes: Confrontation, loud noises/people, and worms.

Backstory:  Elliot grew up on the streets as a young boy, learning to fend for himself early on. He was an orphan, his only true guidance was from Dolos, the god of deception and trickery. He told him he was special, and helped him find a focus in life, a true calling. Stealing and crafting were just normal parts of his life, along with his favorite, medicine and poison making. After seeing some folks around town suffering from sicknesses, he grew a fear of getting sick and donned his plague doctor role. He would help cure people if they paid a pretty penny for his work. They were thanked with a dagger in their backs and crows were welcomed to feast. His raven, Fredrick, regularly kept an eye on him and brought the boy pieces of gold and other small valuables for the cost of a meal. After a while of this, they became close. Fredrick is never far behind Elliot now, always watching his back for him. Now, he has grown up and has gotten quite good at what he does. He has a routine, isn't hungry all the time and always has a bit of gold on him.