Ryoto Ando


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Redeemer of Hell

(In its prime.)

Name: Ryoto Ando || Age: 25 || Gender: Male ||Race: Japanese/Korean || Birth date: May 6th ||Height: 6’5 || Weight: 245 lbs

Appearance: Medium length black hair, with his bangs covering his right eye. Blue eyes, large build and very muscular. Body is littered with scars, one particular scar is on the left side of his jawline.

Personality: Quiet, stand-offish, closed off, yet is warm and more than likely to confide with those he trusts. Even those he isn’t trusting of are protected by him as he, within, wants to be morally good.

Likes: Cats, working out, flowers and gardening

Dislikes: Arrogant people and failure

Backstory: (For Lost Legends) Growing stronger was all the male could have ever asked for. As a young boy, he was given a blade said to have been forged in dragons’ blood. The ‘Redeemer of Hell’ was passed down to him from generations before, now being a husk of what it once was. He began training, determined to become able to wield the blade at a level that surpassed even his masters. He spent his early years doing just that, day in and day out, always training. People in the town began to gossip and claim the male couldn’t speak because he was too busy sparring to learn how to. When he was 18, the royal guards welcomed him into the castle to serve as the king’s personal executioner. At first delighted, he quickly realized how corrupt the royals were and abandoned the only family he had left. He thankfully left with a friend though, soon becoming family, Nikko.

(For a ‘modern’ setting) - Ryo grew up as a shy, quiet child. Only really opening up to Nikko, the boy was rather lonely, finding comfort in working on himself. He became the ‘strong and silent’ type, only out of fear of confrontation. He tried to not blame others for how they treated him, looking for the good in the world. Once he was old enough, he bought and opened his own flower shop. Here, he not only gets to care for his plants, but also the many stray cats that visit him daily.


Maverick Young


Elliot Hartgraves