Maverick Young


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Name: Maverick Young || Age: 23 || Gender: Male || Race: Caucasian (British/American) || Birthdate: February 17th || Height: 5’ 8” || Weight: 160 lbs

Appearance: Short brunette hair with a cornflower blue left eye, and a milky blue right eye. A grey scar runs from just above his eyebrow and down past his right eye, stopping halfway down his cheek. His skin is greyish in tone, giving him a dead look. He has a fit body, though not very toned muscles.

Personality: Aloof, Secretly Emotional/Sensitive, Compassionate towards animals, Pessimistic and Manipulative

Abilities: Black blood usage (creating limbs/tentacles out of his own blood)

Disabilities: Blind in left eye, selectively mute



Backstory:  Being born in a laboratory, he suffered from years of testing and abuse, only for his memories to be erased. When he was 15, he was given to a wealthy couple who had ties to the government. They were unable to bare a child, so they happily took Maverick in. They cared for him as a normal child, never telling him why he had black blood, just that he was different. When he was almost 18, he began having nightmares about himself, before one night, he woke up in a sweat and remembered his abilities. Instead of using them to commit terrible crimes, he continues to hide them from others, only using them when he is alone or with people he trusts.


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