Production Blog #5

After a bit of cleaning up and some other fixes I will list, the animatic is finally getting there! It’s certainly closer to what I was hoping for! I’m getting more excited about my project, which is a bit different to how I felt about my last film. I wasn’t disappointed in my last film, rather, I just never pinned down a clear story so by the end it was a muddy, only decent mess.

Production timeline

This is my projected timeline for my film. I’m basing this off of my last semester film and how long its aspects took. I spent a lot of my time last semester working on lineart, but that may have been due to my lack of true direction. I was still inking in Week 14 due to unfinished scenes. (DON’T DO THAT. IT SUCKS POOPOO ASS.)

I’m sure this timeline will change and shift based on not only my work speed, but also taking in my other classes and, of course time for breaks. Last semester I barely slept, just to get my work done. This semester, I’m trying to focus more on a balance between getting work done and also keeping myself healthy and happy. I wasn’t in a great head space mentally last semester and I believe it only served to make it worse. I’m sure I’ll be stressed by Week 13 or 14, but I’m hoping to lessen the pain of it.

Getting back into the progress on my film, I’ll get into the changes I made to the animatic along with showing it off!

The major changes I made were:

  • Cleaning up all frames (Borderline Inking quality)

  • Adding in scenes of the relationships’ ‘highs’

  • Adding in a scene to highlight Canterbury’s enjoyment in the relationship

  • Adding better shot of Kevin entering

  • Changed blood drip transition to Kevin slicing up the arm instead

  • Changed wolf transformation scene’s angle + added more keys to highlight movement

  • Changed ending to have Canterbury’s eyes return to blue (They’re shown to revert to blue earlier, once the demon arm is cut.)

If I could ask for any specific help, it would be for the obvious scene that I removed, just before the ending scene. I felt like the close up of the bite, that I had previously, wasn’t working well, especially after I made the change to the transformation scene. Though, I’m not sure if I should just cut to the kiss, or add in a better transition scene. Any other critiques I’m looking for are around the new things I added/changed. I’m quite happy with it so far, so if the new scenes are working, I’ll be much closer to being fully 100% happy with it. (Nah, that’s honestly never gonna happen, but sometimes we gotta lie to ourselves! c: )

I plan on starting the rough animation after class tomorrow (9/28), after making changes based on feedback. My rough animation will usually be extremely rough before getting cleaned up and used as a sketch base for my ink. As you can see, I spend a lot of time on inking as I ‘draw’ my frames usually 2 or 3 times, just to make sure they’re perfect.


Production Blog #6


Production Blog #4