Production Log #1

As I work out the overall length and feel of the film, I’m going to more heavily work on the script, specifically the dialogue, but for now, I’ve done a few small things.

Firstly, I created a rough animatic of my entire film, mostly to get the ideas out of my head, but to also help sell my idea of using RPG Maker along with Harmony. As I had the time, I allowed myself to be a bit more detailed than usual and allowed myself to create more than the recommended ‘12’ thumbnails.

Secondly, I began sketching out some concept art of the main character and finally got a body/hoodie shape I liked.

With the concept sketch, I was able to make a quick sprite sheet for my character in RPGM. Again, I’m hoping to show that RPGM is going to help speed up my production, but not lose any of the quality. While I do have plans for animating some complex things in RPGM, I feel as though that side of my film is better explored in my independent study.

You can find all of my work for the week right here!


Production log #2


Production Log #0