My Story

The story begins in Bath, New York.

I grew up in a small town, in a rural area. We called it “the boonies”, as it was in the middle of nowhere and away from the already tiny village. Everyone knew each other and I grew up knowing that I’d move away from my hometown as soon as I could.

I spent my days drawing pictures of my pets. I owned many dogs, a few cats, a handful of horses and even a donkey. I loved them dearly, so drawing them was my way of showing my love for them, even if they weren’t very good at the time.

I grew up, but kept drawing.

Many things changed throughout my life, houses, friends, grades, and even my body. As I got older, I came to realize something. I wasn’t exactly a girl, like I was taught to believe.

Deep down, I knew I was more comfortable as a boy, so when I was 12 years old, I came out as trans. This changed my whole life for the better as I got the support I needed, the help I needed and within a few years, I started Testosterone. This also led me to be diagnosed with GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder), and with that, I was given medication that has greatly improved my overall daily mood and some of my self-esteem issues.

Through all this, I kept drawing. I never once stopped. I knew it was one of the one things I was good at and I wasn’t going to give up on it. Not to mention, while I loved doing it, it was a good way to pass the time and to give me some time alone to relax. While it was a hobby, I always dreamed of making a career out of my talents.

I branched out.

I’d always had a love for video games, so it got me thinking.

“Could I make the art for video games..? Could I write my own story for one..? How would I do that? Is that even a job?”

I had so many questions, but my small town didn’t exactly have answers for me until my Junior year. That’s when one of my new teachers told me about RIT, Rochester Institute of Technology. There, I learned about video game design and that became my new life goal.

I am now going to school there, and I’m working on a degree in Film and Animation. For now, I’m doing free-lance art commissions to keep my skills sharp while also paying off some of the many bills I have/will have soon.

Thank you for visiting!

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